Sunday, 11 June 2017

Digitize India calls for your participation

Your participation and contribution as a Digital Contributor will help the country to transform into a knowledge driven economy. 

Our aim is to achieve the vision of Digital India, where every Indian is digitally empowered and every information is digitally available. Digitize India Platform offers an opportunity for government agencies to transform themselves into digital enterprises and for Digital Contributors, rewards for doing simple data entry jobs.

Scanned Document

  1. All scanned images are shredded into snippets with meaning full data
  2. Shredding done as per Organizations requirement for data digitization
  3. Documents meta data information is maintained throughout the life cycle of the document

Digitize India Platform

  1. Randomly serves snippets to contributors
  2. Snippets are matched for converted data in the match engine
  3. Correct entries get reward points for each correct words digitized
  4. Platform organizes the snippet text digitized by contributors
  5. Document are re-assembled and provided back to the organizations
Work With Android App

Transforming Pixels to Data

Digitize India Platform (DIP) is an initiative of the Government of India under the Digital India Program me to provide digitization services for scanned document images or physical documents for any organization. The aim is to digitize and make usable all the existing content in different formats and media, languages, digitize and create data extracts for document management, IT applications and records management.

DIP provides an innovative solution by combining machine intelligence and a cost effective crowd sourcing model. It features a secure and automated platform for processing and extracting relevant data from document images in a format that is usable for meta-data tagging, IT application processing and analysis. 

If your organization is already registered, please 
click here to login using your DIP user id and password.

If you are a user organization and want to avail DIP services, get in touch with our support team for creating your DIP account.

Money earn Online Using Captcha

Referral link:

2Captcha’s main purpose is solving your CAPTCHAs in a quick an accurate way by human employees but the service is not limited to CAPTCHA solving. You can convert into text any sort of image that a human can recognize and type.
In order to start using the service you need to do the following steps:
·         Register at
·         Become our customer by transferring your first amount to your account (this sum will be totally spend on your CAPTCHAs).
·         Take your API on your preferences page

From $0.5 to $1 for 1000 CAPTCHAs solved
The current bid for 1000 CAPTCHAsdepends on the number of images the system receives at the moment and the number of workers online. It is easy to calculate: if the number of incoming images is less than ‘number of workers online*4’ then the bid is minimal and equals $0.005 for one solved CAPTCHA. In case the number of workers has decreased or the number of incoming images has increased, the bid grows gradually. The bid never surpasses the figure of $1 for 1000 CAPTCHAs so that is the maximum bid for the system on the peak hours.

Special 100% Accuracy Features for Complicated Images
2Captcha provides 98% average accuracy rate, one of the highest on the market. Sure enough, you pay only for correctly solved CAPTCHAs. At the same time we offer a special algorithm for 100% accuracy that you can use for special kind of images. When you use this feature, a single incoming image is sent to multiple solvers. Then, our unique algorithm compares their answers and checks if they match. The algorithm picks the value that has most matches and returns it to you. You can find out more about the 100% accuracy feature here (the page is available after you register at
Pay for Correctly Solved CAPTCHAs Only
You are charged only in case the image is recognized correctly. There are two ways to report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA:
·         The reportbad command sent via API
·         The ‘Report’ button in your 2Captcha interface
In order to avoid mistakenly reported CAPTCHAs, we let the worker check the reported CAPTCHA with the moderator within the next 3 days. This manual check ensures that the system works correctly. After the reported CAPTCHA is recognized as incorrect, you get refunded for this CAPTCHA.